Round Yoke Teddy
Bear Sweater
By Diana Sullivan
Materials: Fine 4 Ply
in 3 colors
Pattern #50 in Stitch World
Links to additional patterns (DAK format):
DAK Yoke Files
Cast on 162 stitches (81 each side of zero) and knit
about 10 rows of waste yarn. Take off the cast on
comb and hang weights evenly across.
RC 000. Change to main yarn (blue) and turn on
Knit 1 row; change to MC, thread second color (gray)
and knit to RC9. Push back end needles.
Move needles forward to hold position. Place brass
garter bar needle holders. I like to set the left
one first, lined up at zero. Push stitches back.
Hang triple transfer tool at 1-3 left of zero (this
is to secure the stitches while working with the
stitches on the right side of zero.
Using credit card cut on a slant, open all the
latches. Put section of garter bar on the needles
right of zero. Close the latches. Hold the garter
bar slightly slanted upward, toward your chin, and
pull the stitches onto the garter bar. Push the
stitches on the garter bar securely. Put 2 left
stitches back on needles; **move garter bar 1 needle
to the left, put on next 4 stitches, repeat from **
on across. Take off the brass keeper and make sure
your rightmost needle with a stitch is now 61.
Repeat the same routine left of zero.
Pop out the MC button. Advance the pattern using the
up key to row 18, knit across, selecting needles.
Put the speckled yarn (fish color) in the MC feeder
and knit the fish. After the plain row, push back
the end needles.
Follow the decrease instructions, above, except move
the stitches in groups of 3 and end on 41 each side
of zero.
Switch to pattern #532 (1 x 1 rib), use the garter
carriage at T4 (or the ribber) and do 6 rows
ribbing, then 1 row loose and latch off the neck.
Steam the yoke to make it easier to handle.
Carefully mattress stitch the seam and work in all
the ends.
T6, hang the yoke upside down and pick up 40
stitches for the front (arrange so the seam runs
along a shoulder) from needle #20L to needle #20R.
Cast on using an e-wrap an extra 5 stitches on the
right. I hang a garter carriage weight on the 5. Put
all the needles except newly cast on ones in hold
position, set carriage for hold. Knit across the
newly cast on stitches, **pull 1 needle back to
hold, knit across, push 3 needles into work, repeat
from ** until COR and stitches almost to zero in
work. Take carriage off hold, knit across, cast on 5
on left side. Repeat as for right. Knit 6 more rows,
then a ribbing for 6 rows and bind off.
The back and each sleeve are knit the same as the
front. I have knit the front and back first and
picked up stitches from the front and back for the
sleeve instead of casting on the 5 stitches.
Finishing: steam and seam the sweater, hide the