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Quaker Stitch Baby Bootie

By Diana Sullivan,

Inspired by Anne Bayes Book,

“A New Concept in Baby Booties”


This baby bootie requires a garter carriage. It is worked on a 965I but should be quite usable on similar machines.

Links To DAK Files: Quaker DAK File

Yarn: Use a thin yarn, about 8 stitches per inch. I used denim blue baby yarn.

Tension 3

Cast on with waste yarn over 62 needles (31, each side of zero)

Knit a few rows with waste yarn.

RC 000.

Short-rowed Sole: Put carriage outside turn mark, turn carriage dial to KCII, and start the pattern. Thread with main color yarn, K 1 row. The machine will have selected every needle. Press both part buttons. Knit to RC 015.

Deselect the part buttons. Unthread and remove the carriage. Put the garter carriage in work, tension 4, and K 17 rows. RC 032. Unthread the garter carriage and set it aside.

Thread the regular carriage, tension 4, make sure no buttons are pressed, dial is on KC II and knit 1 row from right to left. Press both part buttons. Part of the needles have been selected. The next few rows are the beginning of the top of the foot shaping. Knit to RC 038.

Press the “memo” button. Turn the KC knob to N-L. Make sure no buttons are selected. Switch to waste yarn and knit the stitches on the right on the selected needles onto waste yarn (needles #7R to #31R). Put those needles out of work. The knit the stitches on the left (#7L to #31L) onto waste yarn. Take those needles out of work.

Set RC to 000. Take carriage outside the turn mark, push the “memo” button, change carriage dial to KCII.

Carriage on right. **Pick up a stitch from the waste yarn on the left side that is the closest to the knitting and hang it on the leftmost needle that has a stitch. Knit 1 row, then pick up the stitch from the waste yarn on the right closest to the knitting and hang it on the rightmost needle. Repeat from ** until RC 018.

Carriage on right. Pick up the stitches that remain on the waste yarn onto additional needles along the left side of the knitting. Knit to the left. Pick up the stitches that remain on waste yarn onto additional needles on the right and knit 1 row.

Carriage on right. RC 020. Unthread this carriage and remove from the machine. Put the garter carriage on the machine, tension to 3, knit 30 rows with the garter carriage.

Tension 10, knit 1 row, and latch off.