There are a wide variety of knitting machines in home use. We can create beautiful afghans in just a couple hours or complicated sweaters over a weekend. Not many of these amazing machines are being produced and imported today, and there are very few dealers supporting the hobby. Fortunately, we have access to an extensive online community with tremendous expertise, and it is not very difficult to find equipment.
We’d like to help you learn to use your knitting machine. Beginners are always welcome!
Among us, we have expertise on all the popular Japanese and Swiss
machines. Several of us also
We usually have a machine knitting demonstration, then show-and-tell and discussion. Everyone shares recent projects, which do not have to be knitted, and we have refreshments. Dues are $20 per year, which covers the Zoom subscription, a donation to help the church where we meet with meeting-related expenses, and miscellaneous club costs.
By the way, to “natter” is to “talk and chatter.” We welcome you to come and learn more about machine knitting!